Marvel strike force war defense teams
Marvel strike force war defense teams

marvel strike force war defense teams

So basically, we will just copy counters for those stages from Season 2 and add the New Warriors equation. As you all are well aware, 4 stages from Season 2 are identical to Season 3 with a slight addition to other general Rules about reducing Gamma’s stats by 10%. I will do it in the next couple of days but for now, you can see counters and punch-ups.

marvel strike force war defense teams

You can see all available counters, but the description and combat tactics are not yet written. IMPORTANT – the content on this page is not yet finished. I will write down battle mechanics for each counter in time, but for a start, I will just list all counters for all rooms. However, some players do not agree with my offensive tactics, so I will write down counters for all viable defense set-ups per each Room. In our Cosmic Crucible-best Defense Teams article, I suggested what teams are justified to be put in CC Defense. Some teams have the same counters for both Cosmic Crucible and War and the only way to make it easy for you is to duplicate content for those teams. Since my goal is to help MSF players as much as I can, I’ve decided to do what you asked and divide content as you asked. The idea behind that request is that content is more user-friendly and that users don’t have to check if the mentioned counter is good enough for the feature they are playing at the moment.

marvel strike force war defense teams

When I released the Defensive Team Counters article, your feedback was positive but many of you asked that we divide Counters for Cosmic Crucible and Alliance War.

Marvel strike force war defense teams